We have been advised by Auckland Transport that as a result of letters from parents and the school, and an investigation, they are going to put parking restrictions on some parts of Fields Parade. This will help keep our children and your vehicles safe when dropping children at school in the morning and picking them up after school. The restrictions will be in place from 8.30 – 9.00 a.m. and 2.30 – 3.00 p.m. We have not been told when this will start being enforced but will let you know as soon as we are advised.
Park safely and keep our kids safe
This term our school is participating in Auckland Transport’s ‘Safety at the School Gate’ programme. Drivers who stop in the wrong place to drop off passengers put the safety of children at risk. Parking officers will be on patrol outside the school this term and will be issuing tickets to drivers who park illegally. Some parents have already received infringement notices for unlawful parking and driving around our school.
The agreed approach is ‘zero tolerance’ –There will be no warnings issued, you will receive a ticket if you are double parked, parked on yellow lines, or over someone’s driveway – or for any other vehicle safety offence. Please park legally to keep our children safe and to avoid being ticketed.